remembering Kath - Pearl & Vic

Created by whirlypearl 11 years ago
Where to begin with memories of the dearest friend I have ever had? Kath was with me throughout the major events of my life since we both started work at the Halifax. She was my chief bridesmaid when I married Derek. She was there to comfort me when my 14 year old brother died. Kath staunchly supported my craving for vanilla slices when I was expecting Gareth, saying "Go on then - I might as well have one too!". I left the Halifax then and Kath and John became frequent visitors when Gareth, then Coral, were born. When Derek died in 1980 I don't know how I would have coped without the support of Kath and John, they helped in so many ways, practical as well as emotional, and as always quietly and with discretion. When I met Vic they shared the joy of my second marriage and once again gave unstinting support in the ups and downs of the following years. We'll miss you Kath, but have so many wonderful memories of good times and laughter shared. We love you. xxxx Pearl, Vic, Gareth and Coral
